Saturday, March 29, 2008

#23 All Done!

Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you?

It's kind of sad that this is ending for me. . . I looked forward to trying new things with this program! I think the most unexpected outcome is I really was motivated to learn about technology! As I said in one of my early blog entries, I don't really like technology. Now I can say that I welcome learning about technology that can be useful in my personal time and at work.

The things that I have been using the most are:

Ta Da List- to tracks all my lists of stuff to do. It is so satisfying to click a check mark for the items that I have completed- there is a sense of accomplishment.

Library Thing- I have added more books.

Blogger- I have started a blog that will share all my sewing and creative projects- I added craft books that I tagged on Library Thing to my blog!

And of course-,,, to make fun pictures at work and at home!


23 Things said...

Great job on all 23--loved your posts, images, and everything else. Good luck with your sarch on using 23 things at work. Hope you share!

PatriciaP said...

Don't be sad, your fellow bloggers could use your coaching and support. You did a fabulous job documenting your travels in 2nd Life....I'll bet some of the others could really use your help in their travels. Keep sharing, you are a great asset to this program!

Patricia -