At first, I didn't get the tagging thing. Why not just use bookmarks? Well, was I wrong about thinking its not useful. And, you can see all your categories a lot easier than bookmarking and then putting them into folders. I also thought, this is great for when my computer crashes as it often has happened in the past! It's so easy!
I set up many categories including blog, mashups, craft, movies, etc. Now I'm excited about tagging and too.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
#10. Wikis
Wiki's are cool. I appreciate the link to the video by Common Craft. I kind of knew what Wikis were, however I had never tried editing one. It's really easy to do. I edited the 23 Things on a Stick Wiki by adding a picture from our Media Section that includes vhs tapes.
One of our service desks in the library uses a wiki to train and to update student workers on information at the desk. The Circ group has been considering creating a D2L account for this, but I can also see using a wiki as easy and most of the student workers would already know how it works.
I would like to create a PB Wiki ( a la peanut butter sandwiches) but I haven't decided on my topic yet!
One of our service desks in the library uses a wiki to train and to update student workers on information at the desk. The Circ group has been considering creating a D2L account for this, but I can also see using a wiki as easy and most of the student workers would already know how it works.
I would like to create a PB Wiki ( a la peanut butter sandwiches) but I haven't decided on my topic yet!
#9. Online Collaboration Tools
I can see how useful this would be- We use shared folders at my workplace so we can all view and edit documents that we need to. This was especially helpful when a co-worker of mine and I were created Emergency Procedures for our workers. We work at different times during the week and don't overlap a whole lot.
I read user testimonials on the Google Docs and one used the shared file for planning a trip. It could also be useful if students were working on a group project together and needed to edit and collaboratively work on a project.
I read user testimonials on the Google Docs and one used the shared file for planning a trip. It could also be useful if students were working on a group project together and needed to edit and collaboratively work on a project.
Sunday, February 10, 2008
just bloggin'
I know I mentioned in an earlier blog that I have been developing student training, so let me go further. Our Circulation area employs between 40-50 student workers in any given semester. There are about 9 different positions that the student worker can fill. The challenge is training our new workers in the fall when, 1. they are brand new 2. overwhelmed with new classes 3. when the Circ Supervisors are busiest with their special work assignments.
I have been working on creating training especially for our desk workers because they need to adjust to the job quickly and learn the multitude of tasks they will be carrying out. (If anyone out there has ideas, please help ???)
Okay, my point. . . learning about all these new web tools has given me inspiration to knowledge to develop the training to be more interactive and to incorporate the online tools. To make learning about the Circulation area like a game I think is the ultimate goal for me now. It's fun to play games on the computer=I am learning about my job=Supervisor very happy!
Here are some ideas incorporating web 2.0 tools:
Create a blog for student workers to learn tutorials, and help have discussions about "what to do when at the Circ Desk."
Create a Flickr account to organize all the keepsake pictures of our student workers & activities we participate in during the year.
That's what I have so far and I'm sure it will be added to!
I have been working on creating training especially for our desk workers because they need to adjust to the job quickly and learn the multitude of tasks they will be carrying out. (If anyone out there has ideas, please help ???)
Okay, my point. . . learning about all these new web tools has given me inspiration to knowledge to develop the training to be more interactive and to incorporate the online tools. To make learning about the Circulation area like a game I think is the ultimate goal for me now. It's fun to play games on the computer=I am learning about my job=Supervisor very happy!
Here are some ideas incorporating web 2.0 tools:
Create a blog for student workers to learn tutorials, and help have discussions about "what to do when at the Circ Desk."
Create a Flickr account to organize all the keepsake pictures of our student workers & activities we participate in during the year.
That's what I have so far and I'm sure it will be added to!
# 8. Share Your Creations
I used PictureTrail to create my scanner bling for E-Reserves. I also read a lot about the Minnesota E-Folio which I think is a great tool. You can share not only your resume, but upload pictures of achievements, etc. It can be used for enhancing job applications, but there are also links for educators and students. I signed up for an account and will be adding my resume and making a really comprehensive portfolio!
# 6. Online Image Generators

Okay, really really addicting like Little Debbie Swiss Cake Rolls. I especially have enjoyed the hair mixer site which is listed in my links. You can of course see a wonderful picture of me with J.Lo's luscious hair. You just have to have fun once in awhile! Image Chef is a extensive site too with videos that you can add text too- Check it out Now!
#5. More Flickr Fun
Well, I think its pretty obvious that I have been playing around with all the cool photo- enhancing tools on the web!
I think that photosharing online is a really sweet tool to be able to view other libraries and work that they have done. It makes me want to take lots and lots of pictures! One way to encorporate pictures into work is to make a tutorial for a process that is completed. I should have done the following last summer when our student workers helped to shift the entire reference collection:
Taken pictures of the preparation= measuring, counting, preparing to clean.
Shifting in progress=student workers/supervisors trying to be really quiet moving reference books around.
Our sub party to celebrate the completion=the reward of a collaboration between supervisors and students!
Keeping a record of achievements with projects is a great way to boost student & supervisor moral!!!
I think that photosharing online is a really sweet tool to be able to view other libraries and work that they have done. It makes me want to take lots and lots of pictures! One way to encorporate pictures into work is to make a tutorial for a process that is completed. I should have done the following last summer when our student workers helped to shift the entire reference collection:
Taken pictures of the preparation= measuring, counting, preparing to clean.
Shifting in progress=student workers/supervisors trying to be really quiet moving reference books around.
Our sub party to celebrate the completion=the reward of a collaboration between supervisors and students!
Keeping a record of achievements with projects is a great way to boost student & supervisor moral!!!
#7. Web 2.0 Communication Tools
I am taking a Blog prompt to start this entry:
Describe how your library uses email. Has it improved productivity?
In our library everyone uses email. I have found it immensely useful when tracking faculty requests for my position involving E-Reserves. It is easy to locate the original e-mail and how I replied in case a problem occurs.
My position entails that I work weekends (when no other staff is around) and evenings (when only one other co-worker is present). You may have guessed that I correspond with my other co-workers through lots and lots of email!! So much easier than leaving a co-worker with a note that they cannot read or will get lost, instead it is right on their email.
Besides email, the other communication tools are not highly uses, besides webinars for updates for Aleph. I set up a Twitter account and will try to get other co-workers to attempt this new technology.
I do know that our Reference team uses Meebo and it is a slick tool for answering reference questions.
Describe how your library uses email. Has it improved productivity?
In our library everyone uses email. I have found it immensely useful when tracking faculty requests for my position involving E-Reserves. It is easy to locate the original e-mail and how I replied in case a problem occurs.
My position entails that I work weekends (when no other staff is around) and evenings (when only one other co-worker is present). You may have guessed that I correspond with my other co-workers through lots and lots of email!! So much easier than leaving a co-worker with a note that they cannot read or will get lost, instead it is right on their email.
Besides email, the other communication tools are not highly uses, besides webinars for updates for Aleph. I set up a Twitter account and will try to get other co-workers to attempt this new technology.
I do know that our Reference team uses Meebo and it is a slick tool for answering reference questions.
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
#4 Photosharing and Editing

I started a Flickr account and briefly explored Big Huge Labs site- that one is sweet. See my movie poster for a new Star Wars!!!
I have been experimenting more with Flickr and mash-ups on the web and they are FUN! I uploaded a bunch of photos to Flickr and would like to add an album to my blog that has library related pix in them.
By far my favorite mash-up is You can see they lovely photo of me to the left that makes me think hair extensions are in my future!
I think these mash-ups are a great way of incorporating some fun into library activities, I don't know exactly how to implement them in our academic library yet,but I have a feeling I will find a way. I do like Flickr for the simplicity in adding albums and it would be great for the student workers in the Circ area to have a site perhaps to highlight projects that they have created throughout the year!
I have been experimenting more with Flickr and mash-ups on the web and they are FUN! I uploaded a bunch of photos to Flickr and would like to add an album to my blog that has library related pix in them.
By far my favorite mash-up is You can see they lovely photo of me to the left that makes me think hair extensions are in my future!
I think these mash-ups are a great way of incorporating some fun into library activities, I don't know exactly how to implement them in our academic library yet,but I have a feeling I will find a way. I do like Flickr for the simplicity in adding albums and it would be great for the student workers in the Circ area to have a site perhaps to highlight projects that they have created throughout the year!
Monday, February 4, 2008
#3. Set Up an RSS Account & Add Feeds
I am brand new to this RSS & feed things. It is incredible after reading about RSS, the thought of how much information can be just delivered to you! I added a bunch of different sites: some including library news, movie reviews, vegetarian issues, etc. It's really nice to have all the topics I am interested in placed in one area so I don't have to hunt around to find what I am looking for!
Just hope that I did it right. I'm not exactly sure if they are emailed to me or if I have to log into Bloglines to view them. Bloglines was very easy to use and they have a lot of good information on their site and a way to get started choosing feeds if you don't have any sites in mind to begin with.
**********update***** I figured out how to add RSS feeds to my email! Cool! So now I don't even have to sign into Bloglines to view the feeds that I have subscribed to.
Just hope that I did it right. I'm not exactly sure if they are emailed to me or if I have to log into Bloglines to view them. Bloglines was very easy to use and they have a lot of good information on their site and a way to get started choosing feeds if you don't have any sites in mind to begin with.
**********update***** I figured out how to add RSS feeds to my email! Cool! So now I don't even have to sign into Bloglines to view the feeds that I have subscribed to.
just bloggin'
I was reading through someone's blog, I can't remember whose, and the following things were mentioned:
Social Opac
I have taken it upon myself to find out what these mean!!
Social Opac
I have taken it upon myself to find out what these mean!!
Sunday, February 3, 2008
# 2. What is Web 2.0 and Why Should I Care?
Why do I care?
I care because I don't want to see libraries disappear. Growing up, I was always reading. Now, as I grow older I am reading. When I was younger, I would scavenge yard sales, 2nd hand stores for library books, because my family moved so often they never bothered to get library cards in the cities we lived in. Now though, most of what I read I borry from libraries-Public and now Academic and through inter-library loan.
But, libraries can't just be about reading anymore. The world is so much more multi-faceted and younger people are much more focused on technological devices than previous generations. When I was reading John Blyberg's blog titled, "11 reasons why Library 2.0 exitsts. ." I was amazed when he mentioned that libraries have begun adding coffee shops. Wow! That's great! And I even have a good idea- the coffee drink names should be literary works or authors. Would you like a biscotti with your medium Jane Eyre breakfast tea?
I care because I don't want to see libraries disappear. Growing up, I was always reading. Now, as I grow older I am reading. When I was younger, I would scavenge yard sales, 2nd hand stores for library books, because my family moved so often they never bothered to get library cards in the cities we lived in. Now though, most of what I read I borry from libraries-Public and now Academic and through inter-library loan.
But, libraries can't just be about reading anymore. The world is so much more multi-faceted and younger people are much more focused on technological devices than previous generations. When I was reading John Blyberg's blog titled, "11 reasons why Library 2.0 exitsts. ." I was amazed when he mentioned that libraries have begun adding coffee shops. Wow! That's great! And I even have a good idea- the coffee drink names should be literary works or authors. Would you like a biscotti with your medium Jane Eyre breakfast tea?
just bloggin'
So . . . since I have this newly created blog I thought that I should you know, blog. I found a list of prompts on the 23 things on a stick site. So . . . Here it goes!
Why are you participating in 23 Things On a Stick? What do you hope to learn?
Well, I'm so glad that you asked me that question. As a person who not long ago had absolutely no interest in using computers for anything, I am looking forward to learning more about opportunities in cyberspace, such as this blog. Back when I was in college, 2003, I was reluctant to try and down right resistant to using the computer in my studies, save but for writing papers and researching on the internet. Yes, I am a relavity younger person in my late 20's, however I did not grow up with computers. Only through teaching myself how to type and eventually use the internet during early college did I even become interested in this new technology.
Through job experiences, and now through my current position as a Library Technician that coordinates Electronic Reserve items, I have become more comfortable with a variety of programs and tools on computers.
I think a lot to do with my new found excitement with online "things" is the fact that I am confident in learning. Just learning! You know how before you try something new, you may be nervous about attempting the "new" thing? Before, that's exactly how I felt. Now, I think of all learning experiences as a challenge. And, knowing that Everything is centered around how computer profiecient you are, it is a neccessity.
All right, back to the question. Mostly, I am participating to widen my range of skills in online tools. I am working on developing training for the student workers that are employed at the Circulation Desk at the library I work at. Having between 40-50 student workers in various job roles is a challenge is figure out how to train new workers and to keep returning workers updated on and happenings in the area. I think that many of the areas I will be exploring through this program will help in developing the way in the which the training is delivered to our student workers!
I am most looking forward to using Flickr for photos. I would like to develop training tutorials for the student workers showing step by step instructions with pictures.
That's it for now!
So . . . since I have this newly created blog I thought that I should you know, blog. I found a list of prompts on the 23 things on a stick site. So . . . Here it goes!
Why are you participating in 23 Things On a Stick? What do you hope to learn?
Well, I'm so glad that you asked me that question. As a person who not long ago had absolutely no interest in using computers for anything, I am looking forward to learning more about opportunities in cyberspace, such as this blog. Back when I was in college, 2003, I was reluctant to try and down right resistant to using the computer in my studies, save but for writing papers and researching on the internet. Yes, I am a relavity younger person in my late 20's, however I did not grow up with computers. Only through teaching myself how to type and eventually use the internet during early college did I even become interested in this new technology.
Through job experiences, and now through my current position as a Library Technician that coordinates Electronic Reserve items, I have become more comfortable with a variety of programs and tools on computers.
I think a lot to do with my new found excitement with online "things" is the fact that I am confident in learning. Just learning! You know how before you try something new, you may be nervous about attempting the "new" thing? Before, that's exactly how I felt. Now, I think of all learning experiences as a challenge. And, knowing that Everything is centered around how computer profiecient you are, it is a neccessity.
All right, back to the question. Mostly, I am participating to widen my range of skills in online tools. I am working on developing training for the student workers that are employed at the Circulation Desk at the library I work at. Having between 40-50 student workers in various job roles is a challenge is figure out how to train new workers and to keep returning workers updated on and happenings in the area. I think that many of the areas I will be exploring through this program will help in developing the way in the which the training is delivered to our student workers!
I am most looking forward to using Flickr for photos. I would like to develop training tutorials for the student workers showing step by step instructions with pictures.
That's it for now!
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